In a fast-evolving threat and technology landscape, cybersecurity together with digital transformation has become a top-of-mind issue at the Board and C-suite levels for organizations across all industry sectors in the Asia Pacific region.
Along with the pressing need to transform businesses to meet customer and stakeholder demands in the digital economy, history has shown that organizations cannot treat cybersecurity as an afterthought in their quest to transformation.
Digital transformation is a top-of-mind issue at the Board and C-suite levels for organizations across all industry sectors in the Asia Pacific region.
Central to the transformation that has taken hold of organizations in the digital economy – where data is the currency and apps are the engines of digital enterprises – are the advances in financial, e-payment, cloud, mobile and data management technologies.
The world has witnessed a Martech boom over the last decade and has streamlined the industry in multiple ways, bringing in efficiency and scalability in marketing activities like never before. Asia is one of the fastest growing regions of the world and the businesses in this region have also embraced the Martech revolution.
However, there has been a gap in the market in terms of a credible hub of information where all things related to Martech could be found under one url in Asia.
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There is no B2B Lead Generation – Only H2H Conversations Posted on April 26, 2019 at 9:00 AM. Written by ThinkLogic Simplify the term “lead generation” down to its roots. What it is, when stripped of marketing and business terminology, is essentially a way of reaching...
How to Keep a Helpful Mindset in Content Marketing Posted on May 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM. Written by ThinkLogic What are the two biggest pieces of advice we keep telling our clients? is to first, not overthink lead generation, second, to focus...
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