Lead generation or demand generation services play a crucial role in acquiring more leads and higher companies’ sales in the Asia Pacific region. Tough market competition prompts APAC companies to use lead generation services to launch market campaigns to connect and nurture leads faster and easier. Below are the top reasons to avail of lead generation services.


Businesses in Asia need a more viable, sustainable, and long-term approach to establish their online presence by moving to the digital marketing landscape.

Many factors are affecting the lead generation process, including brand awareness. In the B2B market, enterprises go where potential clients are and attract them using various persuasion strategies. Therefore, B2B companies need to have a strong online presence.


Inbound lead generation is customer-centric. It includes marketing channels where prospects or leads are active, deciding what products and services to avail to meet their needs and resolve their problems. The most common inbound B2B lead generation solutions that help boost awareness include the following examples:

  • Articles, webinars, presentations, slides, and infographics: These top-of-the-funnel lead generation solutions attract your target audience, demonstrating your company’s competence and reputation in the industry.
  • Case studies, white papers, and customer success stories: These bottom-of-the-funnel activities drive leads to make a decision, overcoming any objection at this point of the sales process.
  • Videos and podcasts: Audio and video content can be part of blogging and social media marketing, publishing them on media sites, company websites, and social networks to attract more leads.


With increased brand visibility online, APAC enterprises can highlight their thought leadership through different media content. Whitepapers, webinars, executive round tables, and other inbound lead generation services are indispensable tools to highlight your expertise.


Lead qualification involves understanding the lead’s position in the lifecycle stage of the sales funnel, which represents the different types of leads such as the following:

Marketing Qualified Leads: The prospects show interest by filling out a form or subscribing to a newsletter. Generating marketing qualified leads usually happens in the first stage of the sales funnel.
Sales Qualified Leads: The prospects are more active. They are the leads who show greater willingness to know more about your products and services by leaving questions on the site or requesting a call.
Product or Service Qualified Leads: The prospects are in the final stage before they become paying customers. They usually require a demo or free trial before purchasing.


The global content marketing projection is US$829.6 billion by 2027, making lead generation the mainstream in the new normal.

Availing lead generation services enable you to gain more revenue. When more B2B leads engage with your brand, there’s a greater chance of closing more deals or winning more accounts for your enterprise. Hence, making your B2B company more profitable requires effective lead generation approaches.

Lead generation isn’t a one-time or short-lived marketing approach. If you aim to have consistently high sales, you’ll need to commit to long-term lead generation. Lead generation is a cycle of attracting and nurturing leads in the different stages of the sales funnel throughout the lifetime of your business.


ThinkLogic is a leading demand and lead generation company in Asia. We have been helping B2B enterprises gain qualified leads for more than eight years. Our commitment is to help B2B APAC companies in the IT industry establish a strong online presence, boost brand awareness, establish thought leadership, and gain more multi-funnel leads.

If you’re looking for a full-packed demand generation and digital lead marketing partner, choose ThinkLogic Media Group. We are a lead generation company, helping enterprises in Asia gain multi-funnel leads through our vast range of solutions, which include the following:

  • Intent Based Lead Generation
  • Gamified Lead Generation
  • Demand Generation
  • Media Syndication
  • Media Brands
  • Peer-to-peer or P2P Engagement
  • Executive Round Table
  • Event Engagement
  • Industry Awards

As your demand and lead generation partner, we help your target audience make the best tech purchase decision and choose your tech solutions over your competitors. Partnering with ThinkLogic Media Group brings your tech B2B marketing message closer to your target audience at the right place and time.

ThinkLogic Media Group specialises in creating lead generation strategies for digital transformation, cybersecurity, and marketing technology. We have tech media sites to make your enterprise stand out, including CybersecAsia.net, DigiconAsia.net, and MartechAsia.net, to help make your brand stand out in the APAC market. We distribute your content and popularize your tech solutions to bring in more multi-funnel leads to your pool. We test various strategies to determine what works best, gather insights, and optimise to develop the best-performing marketing campaign in every touchpoint (AWARENESS, CONSIDERATION, and DECISION) of the buyer’s journey.

Our readership consists of C-suites, managers, and marketers across the Asia Pacific region with a current subscriber base of more than 80,000 IT. Our subscribers include C-suites, senior VPs, IT analysts, account managers, marketers, and other business professionals. We have 3,433 articles published and over 15,000 multi-funnel leads generated since 2015.